The day started off strong. The first panel of the day featured one Robert M. Price, a man whose mellifluous voice sounds like honey poured over gravel. So mellifluous... mellifluous...
Next up was a panel on Lovecraftian gaming featuring Sandy "The Goddamn Maniac" Peterson, who is basically Drax the Destroyer if Drax didn't destroy anything and spent his time making Lovecraft games and awkwardly interrupting other people on the panel as social queues aren't his strong point. But he's so famous/infamous everyone else on the panel just let him get away with anything, and I mean ANYTHING. That's some power to wield alright, and I can think of no one with better hands to wield it, although Sandy's are probably filled with gigantic Cthulhu miniatures.
When it comes to leftovers nachos are a food that often does not hold up as a fridge is a horrible place to keep corn chips that you want fresh and crunchy. HOWEVER, when it came to me eating leftover nachos from last night, a strange chemistry took place. Probably due to the fact that the veils between worlds are thin in Providence at the moment the nachos actually tasted better as leftovers than they did originally! Perhaps they just needed to spend some time with all the flavors combining into one melange mess, perhaps something more evil and eldritch, but the end result was that these turned from being kinda meh to being delicious. If only I could eat them without getting heartburn, now that would be a dream come true. Maybe I'm just getting old, or maybe when your guts contain nothing but booze, nachos, and Gatorade the results are less than stellar. Perhaps before tonight's fresh nachos I will have to find some Coffee Milk, the official drink of Rhode island, to settle me gutty works.
But no time for decrying the state of my guts Dr. Jones, there were more panels to see, like one on annotating literary works for fun and profit! "Fun" if you like things such as law writing, actuarial work, and insurance adjustment that is. Also it reminded me about Optography, which was the science of examining the eyes of a dead person to see the last thing that they saw before death because it was imprinted on the retina, and also that's a thing that was proved to not be real science. It was in Wild Wild West too, which made me remember Wild Wild West for the first time in probably 15 years.
After that was a panel about Lovecraftian music, and I think it is officially impossible to talk about music without sounding super hipstery. Maybe it's they just listing hundreds of bands that you probably haven't heard of, and may or may not be made up, or maybe, but unlikely, something else. The best thing to come out of this was the fact that the soundtrack vinyl to the Dunwich Horror film was called "Music of the Devil God Cult: Strange Sounds from Dunwich" and that it caused me to remember that there was a metal band whose lead singer was a bird. They're called Hatebeak and remembering them made up for remembering Wild Wild West earlier.
Also I won the first prize at the Mythos tournament and made off with all this sweet Cthulhuey loot for a 20 year old game that nobody really cares about.
Remember earlier when I was bemoaning the state of my guts from an all nacho diet and I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to eat any more nachos? I totally ate more nachos.
In the search for tonight's nachos the first restaurant I visited was a bar which I had looked online previously to see if they had nachos. They did, however when I went inside to get them, oops, the kitchen was out of service that night. I then went across the street to a bar and grille I had noticed, whose kitchen was working, however they had every other common appetizer EXCEPT for nachos. I was beginning to feel low down, wondering if I had actually eaten every nacho in Providence, but fortunately the third time was the charm at charmingly Irish Blake's Tavern.
Seasoned Curly Fries, Corned Beef, Swiss Cheese, Sour Cream, Thousand Island Dressing, Sauerkraut
To make up for the previously two places I went to not having nachos, Blake's made up for it by having THREE different kinds of nachos, from which I selected the Irish Nachos, because they're technically nachos for my points and purposes and would hopefully give my tummy tum a break by eating instead what was pretty much a Ruben ground up and put on a bunch of curly fries. Were they delicious? Hell yeah they were. When they were first placed before me I took a look at the glop and had my doubts, but when it comes to glop this was pretty much the best glop I've had in a long time. I would get it again in a minute and recommend it to any old Jewish men who like a good Mexican deli.
Finally the evening wrapped up with crashing The Eldritch Ball, with cosplay ranging from cultist to deep one to plague doctor to red angry bird, by far the most Lovecraftian of the Angry Birds. The theme was "At the Mountains of Madness" which seemed to mean that the room should be made up like a more tasteful version of Mr. Freeze's lair from Batman & Robin. It was bumping, and the bar tender could make a mean Tom Collins, but none of that could appease the poly nacho mass that was gestating in my belly. What foul transformation was occurring in there? Hopefully just normal digestion, but if not I pray that I am within sprinting distance of a clean toilet if so, or God have mercy at what abomination I will burst forth into the world.