4th of Juleezy, 4th of Juleezy, how oh how can I make you more cheesy? Why, by making up the word "Juleezy" in order to rhyme with "Cheesy" for one. Another way would be to make up some PATRIOTIC NACHOS: A.K.A. PATRIOTIC BBQ GRILLING NACHOS USA USA, the recipe for which is available at the link previous, or featured along with 13 other delicious recipes in Recipes from the Nachonomicon. At this point if you're reading this and in desperate need for nacho goodness for your BBQ this afternoon you're going to have to go with the linked version because there's no way you can order the book and have it arrive to you on time, but if you found it so delicious in retrospect you felt like buying the book, you'd get no complaints from me! And remember, don't go blowing your hand off with some fireworks, because it's a lot harder to eat nachos with a hook.
Nachonomics: Year Nine
Cinco de Mayo 2021, or more importantly, nine years of Nachonomics. Some might say that non-stop nachos for 3,285 days is not only too many nachos, but also too many days. Others would not. Can you guess what camp we fall into?
As hard as it tried, Covid didn’t kill us, yet. Cholesterol hasn’t killed us, so far. A witch once prophesied that we’d die from choking on an extra crunchy chip, but there’s still time for that I suppose. When a witch makes a nacho prophecy about your death, you better get your affairs in order.
So new year, new you, new nachos. I hope you’re ready.
T'was the Nacho Before Christmas
While you're all off enjoying the family events and probably having the day off, we here at Nachonomics would like to extend an extra special holiday gift to you in the form of what will undoubtedly be a new timeless Christmas classic you can tell your children, and them their children, and so on. So with the Merriest of Christmases, and Happiest of Crimbos, we present you our timeless nacho classic "T'was The Nacho Before Christmas".
2020 Nacho Gift Guide - Nacho Gifts for Nacho Lovers
Another year, another opportunity to get something for the nacho lover in your life. But what? That is the age old question, but fret not. Time and time again we’ve pulled your buns out of the fire with great nacho gifts, and we’re doing it again now!
Read MoreThanksgiving 'Chos
From girlversusdough
Thanksgiving is very specifically not a nachos holiday. In fact, based on what the pilgrims ate it should really be more “waterfowl, venison, lobster, clams, berries, fruit, pumpkin, and squash” rather than Turkey, but even then, nary a nacho mentioned. Probably because they weren’t invented for another 300+ years, but we’ll never know. You shouldn’t be eating nachos on Thanksgiving, it’s just not done, but there is no law saying that you can’t eat Thanksgiving leftovers the following day ON nachos, so you should do that. You can try this one or this one or this one or this one or this one or this one or this one, totally up to you. No mater what you end up eating however, hopefully you have a great Thanksgiving.