Some people think pizza boxes are just for pizzas. Not so. They are also one of the best mechanisms for transporting a to-go order of nachos from point A to point B. Now this won’t work for every order of nachos of course, any pile of chips in, well, a pile, are going to get smashed against the inside of a pizza box. You need some sort of hat box for that kind of meal. No, you need an order that’s a single layer of chips covered in cheese, almost like a pizza itself, to really maximize the space. Fortunately Chill’s Chill Nachos fit the bill.
Sometimes you luck out and work will pay for a dinner of yours, and that’s how I ended up at Chill, with the Chill Nachos. These are not to be confused with Chilli Nachos, which aren’t a thing here, or Chill Nachos with Chili, which also aren’t a thing, or Chill Chili Nachos, which are not a thing as well but should be just for the name. Sadly there was nary a chili to be found on the menu at all (Outside of a Pork Fried Dumpling with Thai Chili Sauce), but for nacho toppings they did have avocado, chicken, shrimp, steak, and lobster. You saw that picture above, you know what I went with.
As all our meals are “to-go” for the time being I was left sitting in the passenger seat for a ride home with a pizza box full of nachos getting my nethers all hot. Not hot and bothered (I love me some nachos, but not that much) just hot temperature wise. What was I supposed to do, leave them in my lap cooking me up or open it up and dig in and start eating? You look at those spicy little jalapenos, that juicy barely cooked steak, that hot and drippy cheese… oh, maybe I am getting bothered now…
So I did what any sane person would do, drizzle on that cilantro crema and start going to town on those ‘chos while blasting 75 down the highway. Maybe it was the speed, or maybe it was the cheesy steak and corn I was shoving down my throat, but there was some especially tasty in these fellers. Steak heated until you can barely call it cooked, thin layer of chips so every bite is covered in cheese and toppings, and just the right amount of corn, totally Goldilocks. Corn on top of corn chips usually takes nachos into a corn overload zone and thusly I have overlooked it over the years, but I think it may need a critical reexamination after this dish. Or maybe this was just the best example of corn on corn out there and all others will just let me down. Who can say.
I don’t know what percent of the dish made it all the way home, but it wasn’t a very high amount.
I would get these again for sure, I think mostly to try the lobster so I can be a real fancy lad. A real fancy lad whose cholesterol would be off the chart after a meal of oily chips, oily cheese, and buttery lobster… On second thought, maybe I’ll just stick with the steak. I’ll just be sure that someone else is driving in case I get any… urges… again on the way home.