Now I admit it, I don't know you super well so you might be the sort of person who frequently encounters 4,000 postcards at once, but I'm not and thusly looking at almost 60 lbs of postcards is kind of a big deal to me. This is 80% of our upcoming "Bienvenidos a Piedras Negras!" card set, and also the pamphlet "A Guide to Rating Nachos", which is not related to our upcoming "The Field Guide to Nachos". All of these will be available to order in the next few months but we wanted to give you a sneak peek at the cards now.
Ignacio vs. Camazotz
IGNACIO vs. CAMAZOTZ: This card features an image of the incredible battle between nacho creator Ignacio Anaya and Camaztoz, the Mayan God of Vampire Bats. Art by Richard Luong (Website) who sells some amazing works of Lovecraftian horror.
MICTECACIHUATL: A lovely painting of Miss Piedras Negras, Mictecacihuatl, the Queen of the Underworld. Art by Ryan Veeder (Website) who is the author of MOTORCYCLUS, and a stand up gentleman.
Raul Alhazredo writes The Nachonomicon
RAUL ALHAZREDO WRITES THE NACHONOMICON: A 15th century woodcut of the "mad monk" Raul Alhazredo writing The Nachonomicon. Art by Dex Gormenghast (Website) a stand up gentlemen and contributor to Nachonomics.
Ignacio Anaya
IGNACIO ANAYA: Rare photograph of Ignacio Anaya circa. 1950 seen here stopping to smell the flowers.
All of these, plus the as yet to be revealed/completed 5th card, AND THE FIELD GUIDE TO NACHOS, should be available right here in the upcoming months, so keep your eyes peeled and your credit card ready!