As disgusting as concession nachos are, nachos and baseball go together like, well, nachos and baseball. Recently there was a video that came across the internet about a man catching a ball in one hand while holding an order of nachos in his other hand. You can watch the animated GIF below, or watch the whole video over at
I would go to games more often if this happened more often.
Look at the skill and aplomb of this fine fellow as he loses not a single chip as he gallantly reached for the ball and plucks it out of the sky. This gives me a Lee Greenwoonesque proud to be an American moment the same way that if a Spanish soccer/football fan caught a ball in the stands without dropping his tapas would be proud to be a Spaniard. Only he would probably then be murdered by angry fans because they don't play around with soccer/football over there, outside of playing around with a soccer/football ball.
Unfortunatey not all nacho and baseball moments can end quite so heroically, as is want to happen when 5 ounces of hard leather, cork, and yarn ball come flying at you in excess of 100 mph.
As you can see, in concession nachos, like the game of baseball itself, if there are to be winners there must also be losers.