Halloween, Christmas, 4th of July, all holidays with recognizable dates that your calendar probably already has marked. One day however that is probably not on said calendar (and if it is please let me know as that's a calendar I would like to purchase) is October 21st, International Nachos Day. And by "October" I of course mean "Octchober" because if there's a day to make nacho puns on it is today.
So how do we celebrate such a day? Some people try and consume five pounds of nachos in one shot. Others leave an empty chair and place setting at their table in tonight during their nacho dinner in honor of Ignacio Anaya. Really so long as you're eating some nachos in some fashion you're probably good. And perhaps if you're lucky the spirit of Ignacio Anaya will come visit you tonight, as this is the one day of the year when the veils between the worlds are weak enough that he is allowed to venture forth in search of the perfect plate of nachos...
Who wouldn't want a visit from a spirit like this?