If you are a movie fan of any sort or have been to a theater recently or turned on the TV, most likely you are aware of the new Quentin Tarantino film Django Unchained. We’re not talking about that piece of cinema however, instead opting for his 2007 film Death Proof, which was released both as a segment in the throwback picture Grindhouse and in an extended DVD version on its own. We’re not here to debate the merits of Tarantino as a Film Auteur or One Note Hack, depending on which side you may come down on, we’re here for nachos.
Why is part of it in French? No idea, but sometimes you have to deal with what the internet gives you. Sometime you also have to deal with seeing delicious nachos on screen and not being able to eat them, like the ones here. If you view the comments though, you will find that this is not just a video uploaded for the admiration of the dish, it is a call to action to find the recipe for them as the uploaded could not stand not being able to consume them.