I don't know if you were aware of it or not, but Jesus Loves Nachos. Someone spray-painted that on to a bridge in Katherine, Northern Territories, Australia, so now it must be true. Such a true thing in fact that it has even been trade marked!
Appearing sometime in the 1980's, the artist behind it is unknown, but believed to be a member of the local Tapp family. A belief I might add that becomes more sketchy and likely as the woman who trade marked it happens to be local author and town councilor Toni TAPP Coutts. Coincidence? Ask the woman who now plans on making some fat cash on shirts and tea towels bearing the slogan.
WWJD? Love nachos at a minimum. Trade Mark his love for them, even under the guise of promoting tourism in the area? I think not. Jesus certainly wouldn't have allegedly had a member of their family jack up an area with grafitti, and then spend years and untold Australian dollars getting the rights to it, as is written in Colossians 3:14. Read it, it's there.
So far as slogans for Northern Territories go, it's better than "Most likely place to be eaten by a Saltwater Crocodile" or the, and I kid you not here, "C U in the NT", but not great. Now if there was a nacho restaurant there, then that would be a slam dunk, but trying to sell a region on that? Not so much. Of course I say all this and joke, but if I ever take a 54 hour ride on The Ghan from Adilade to Darwin, there will be one little town in Norther Territories I'll definitely be stopping at. I may even pick up a tea towel while I'm there.