When traveling through the green mountains of Vermont you may happen upon the town of Waterbury. Sure, you could have gotten there by accident, but most likely you went there to visit the Ben & Jerry’s Factory to see how the magic, and ice cream, is made. Is it a great tour? Meh, it’s ok, and you get some ice cream, but not nearly as good as the nearby Woodchuck or Magic Hat brewery tours. What they do have that trumps all is an ice cream shop, where you can get the Vermonster, a 14,000 calorie 20 scoop bucket of ice cream, or a reasonable sized sundae. If you want something other than desert though, you need to head into town.
of the restaurants on the Waterbury main drag is The Reservoir,
located in no proximity to any reservoir I saw for which it could be
named. Ok, so if no water collection area, what does it have? For one,
it has 38 draft beers, which is the most in the state of Vermont. For
another, a very attractive staff. However, what it doesn’t have is
nachos. So why a review? Because what it does have is Nacho Dip.
Now most nacho dip is just some melted fake cheese with salsa thrown in, but not this. For some reason every non-chip element of a regular order of nachos was separated and placed in its own dish, like a pharaoh being prepared for entombment. Why deface delicious nachos to such a degree? I don’t know, but it could only be done by someone with hate in their soul and ice cold blackness in their heart.
In theory all the ingredients for a tasty order of nachos were there, but the deconstituting and reconstituting of the parts back into a whole must affect them on a molecular or sub-atomic level. Ice Cream that has been melted and then refrozen doesn’t taste the same as its unaltered counterpart, and neither does nacho parts cooked separately and reconstructed. I’m sure there’s something about the flavors cooking into each other and the flow of hot air around the chips, but let’s just chalk it all up to science and leave it at that.
So how was it? As just a dip it was fine, but as nachos it was definitely lacking. For another two bucks I could have got chicken with it, but that wouldn’t have solved the problem. I can’t fault a dip for not being nachos any more than I could fault a pound of silver for not being a pound of gold, but you go around calling yourself nachos when you’re not, that when we’ve got a problem. My recommendation, skip the dip, and go for a burger. Now, this isn’t Burgernomics, but this is not just any burger my friend. No no no, I’m talking about the Truck Driver.
Per TripAdvisor.com I must attribute this picture to TripAdvisor.com. TripAdvisor.com, consider yourself attributed. TripAdvisor.com.
That there is 1 lb of Blue Cheese Stuffed Vermont Family Farm Ground Beef, Fried Egg, Green Mountain Smokehouse Bacon, Leaf Lettuce, Onion, Pickle and it’s served with an American Flag. AN AMERICAN FLAG. If that doesn’t make George Washington and Abraham Lincoln jump out of their graves and ride horses straight to Waterbury to eat it, then they’re not patriotic enough. Next time I’m back in Waterbury I’ll definitely be back to the Reservoir for it, but I’ll pass on the nacho dip.